Saturday, 15 October 2011


1: His name was Ben, and he was a psychologist. He asked what had prompted me to make the call (my cousin). He asked what my social and uni life/s were like (good mostly, some minor difficulties I guess?). He asked what drugs I do (caffeine and alcohol) and how much (2-4 daily, 1-4 weekly, respectively). He asked if I get along with my parents and my brother (fairly well). He approved of the reason I'd called (better self-understanding). Then he said they'd call me again in a couple of weeks to make an appointment (okay). Sigh, waiting lists.
2: "I think, to be a good actor, you kind of need to have some kind of mental problem --"
3: I reached into my pocket and found at least two grocery receipts (folded), a scrunched flyer for Short Flicks, and a piece of lined paper that I felt sure would be some kind of note. I opened it up fold by fold, expecting to find pen marks with each prise. Turned out it was just the strip of paper I had left over after Scenes From A Hat.
4: Two little boys were charging around Aisle 6 while Munaf and I were working the freezer. Their mum kept nagging them to “stop playing before something – “ snap. There goes a jar of cream, all over the floor. “I didn’t mean it!” said one of the boys. “Doesn’t matter,” said their mum. “I told you to stop playing!”
5: One of the bread delivery guys was late. Dom ripped into him.
6: A weedy old man on the tram hunches over his mobile phone; his voice sounds grainy, disembodied, as though he’s on the opposite end. He was hidden behind another old guy with his back to me until a few moments ago, so it really did sound like his voice was coming from nowhere.
7: It was warm yesterday and this morning, so I came to work without a jumper or jacket. And then it started raining. Spring rain. Light, warm, grey rain that makes the city smell of dust, exhaust, and pollen, and makes it hard to tell whether the surface of your skin is hot or cold.
8: A microphone evangelist, right by the Bourke St. tram stop. Male, late 20’s-early 30’s, short hair, tousled and spiky, standing in the rain. He spoke as though directly to God; “ -- and miracles! Seeing that happen! Ha, ha ha! It’s so awesome to know You, Jesus Christ my savior!” Seconds later he swooped on the tram queue, who’d all clustered together under the shelter to avoid the rain, and started asking the stragglers if anybody had a slipped disc? Or lower-back pain? “cause I wanna pray for you, God’s telling me someone’s got problems down here –“ He pointed to the small of his back.


  1. The smell of earth after it rains. That's the word for it-- coined by two Australians, actually.

  2. I will spend all week looking for a way to use that in a sentence.

  3. Haha yes! Good mission. :-) Do you have a word for me?

  4. Wish I did. I'll try to think of something.
