Today's comic features two of my human housemates, Mike and Garrit. (I know a lot of people named Mike, including two Mikes who hung out in the same group here at my college for years without either of them acquiring a different nickname, plus another guy in my graphic novels class who was assigned to collaborate with me on my latest comic, plus my parents' next-door neighbor, and my roommate's father, and my pseudo-cousin's boyfriend, and another handful of Mikes who went to my high school, and (last but certainly not least) the Mike Gorrie we all know and love. In fact, there's even a sports show called "Mike & Mike" because it's literally got two guys with the same name as its only commentators! And I haven't even mentioned all the fictional Mikes yet. Seriously, you'd think at least some of these Michaels would take pity on us and use "Chael" as their nickname or something.)
Anyway, none of that is relevant to the comic.
...And Mike, please don't start calling yourself "Chael." Yes, that goes for all 10 million of you, but Gorrie especially.
Without further ado, onto what I actually came for:

In case you were curious, "The Insanity Workout" is actually the name this workout program chose for itself. Gotta respect them for at least being honest. Any program that has to remind you to keep breathing is pretty hard-core.
Oh, and less than two hours after I posted this, I found out my brother has a new roommate. I'll give you one guess what the new roommate's name is.
ReplyDeleteIs it Chael?
ReplyDeleteDing ding ding! We have a winner!