The past is a strange thing.
It's nearly a year since Leslie and I got together, and as of yesterday, a year since the night that (narratively!) really started it. We watched the first episode of
Torchwood: Children of Earth in my room with Emma and Kasey -- who left, bored, after the first half-hour. Less than a minute before the first childrens' chorus of
'We are coming.' I'm pretty sure it started less than ten seconds after Emma closed the door.
Five minutes later, we'd watched three episodes, sat up giggling at each other a bit, checked the time, and read, "3:30am".
A lot happened in five minutes.
A year before that, I was in Paris, spending my days at the
Zigzag Cafe and drafting scenes for my novel while dad visited the Tower, the Arc, and the art galleries. I managed to do some of my most important development work in that time; at home, I was distracted. At Zigzag, on pen and paper, I was churning it out for hours on end without trouble, shotting une cafe every half hour or so, and -- freshly single -- asking myself if I'd ever work up the courage to chat up the waitress. (I didn't - I did manage a two-minute conversation about some American tourists who'd just passed through, though; "C'est pas que je ne parle pas l'anglais," she said, "Mais, quelquefois ils parlent trop vite" -- "C'est la meme pour moi, en francais!" I'd laughed; "Mais, contre leurs accents -- c'est plus facile pour moi, peut-etre --" We trailed off, and it was back to the awkward "'lu!" each day.) I returned to Australia just in time for
Jen's birthday.
In 2006, I'd just come out of an intense (toxic?) relationship that'd only lasted a month, with only a little of my pride left, my friendships and my Year 12 studies in disrepair, and about to leave high school behind forever. I remember repairing things with Jen at Galactic Circus, somehow -- too late for me to catch up on our French study group stuff, though. I'm pretty sure it was at about this time that I took down the Deadjournal I'd been maintaining since September 2003. I archived it on the portable hard drive I took everywhere with me -- that hard drive has since been lost.
In 2002 -- October 17th, I think? -- two weeks before a move at the start of November, I first brought the Bluehawk mantle to
SoaH City and fashioned it as a character. Based on -- well, it's what one does in those places. It started with sprite comics, and then I came up with a story I thought I could only do justice to in a different medium: the Stormeye Saga was born (its title hasn't changed since 2003, though nearly everything else has). I was still whining about being rejected by a girl four months before, and little snot that I was, I thought that meant I could empathize with people older than me who were digging deeper trenches into hell. I'm sure you were stupid too, when you were 14.
And that's -- as far back as I recall, really. That's weird to think of. That I barely recall anything before Year 8 (2002). Well, I barely recall anything in terms of chronology, anyway. I'm sure it'd come to me if I really thought about it.
Now to remember today.
1: We met up in Sam's room to organize
Emma's (belated) birthday present. And wrapped it in a dozen rolls of sticky tape. By the time Emma cut it open, the layer of interwoven tape was thicker than cardboard.
2: Kristin and I spent about fifteen minutes waiting outside the noodle shop before our orders finally came through. They were doing the best they could -- but it was freakishly crowded, for a Wednesday. We'd walked in thinking there were two or three people ahead of us. Turned out there were about a dozen who'd gone off to play a game of Street Fighter or to buy a drink; kill ten minutes, then come back.
3: Jenny appeared out of nowhere to ask if I knew where Fez's room at Chisholm was. The answer was no, I didn't -- well, I did, but only vaguely. She'd gotten a message from Nate, earlier, that someone had to collect the keyboard -- Kristin reckoned she hadn't realized he sends those en masse.
4: We knocked on the door to Fez's floor. Waited. Heard a door close further in -- then a thud, more movement. We knocked again, the door burst open -- Fez, fezless, holding his keyboard, looking at us in surprise. He pushed the door open, and we heard a loud
snap -- part of the keyboard had gotten caught on the door handle and gotten prised open.
5: We're doing a song (in choir) from
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children. A couple of the others are excited about doing a song from Final Fantasy VII. I pointed out the "Advent Children" part and scoffed, "glorified fanfic". Pretty sure I lost approval points.
6: I went to the shops and tried to remember what it was I'd come for; bought cereal, milk, juice, honey -- remembered after I got home that I'd been meaning to buy a powerboard for days.