Tuesday 8 March 2011

f1|2s7 p05t!!!111

It's an odd time to start up a blog, in the middle of March and two - nearly three! - weeks into the semester. The game I'm playing is pretty simple. Every day or two I try to remember five to ten "mysteries" that have come up throughout the day. Maybe I'll talk about them. Maybe I'll talk about something else that's happened in my day or happens to be on my mind. I don't know! We're going to find out together!

Here goes.

1: Two days ago, my housemates and I noticed two Asian girls walking across the road in front of us at the traffic lights, and Christoph made a note that they "wear these short skirts, but they are so shy".
2: Today I saw one of these same Asian girls - in the same flannelette overshirt! - at least five times around campus before the late afternoon. Sure, I see people around, but five times?
3: This afternoon, Google Chrome started flashing big red warning pages every time a security certificate tried to load. Google dot com. Mail dot google dot com. Documents dot google dot com. Each and every time, "oh noes, internet unhygiene!" Is Google developing body issues?
4: The metaphor about books.
5: Could a sniper sneak up on a ninja? You know, like, with a bullet.
6: Windows Live don't want me to reinstall Messenger on my PC. I deleted it to reinstall it, and the installer refuses to put it back. I tried uninstalling it properly; no dice. Oh well, their loss.
7: The dog wasn't snarling at me today. I mean, like, before I tried to give him food. This is incredible.
8: I play less than half as good right after having been spawn-killed. The fault is mine; I allow the frustration to set in.
9: My ENG/SOC lecturers let the class scramble to the front of ELT 5 to claim tutorials from sheets of paper. First-in, best-dressed! Aside from being a cruddy way to do it, were they trying to demonstrate the absurdity of a Godless society? Were they just being lazy and hoping the intelligent ones would make that up? Neither would be inconsistent.
10: It took me about an hour to get this far.

Maybe I'll post more tomorrow! I don't know! I'm a cat!


  1. First!

    Also - no one can sneak up on a ninja.. not chuck norris.. and certainly not a bullet

  2. 53c0nd c0mm3n7

    11: w41 u n0 u53 m04r 1337?
